I wish I were...
Do you ever find yourself saying "I wish I were" or "I wish I could" instead of saying "I can"or "I will".Driving the bus the other day, I heard a 6 year old say, "I can't wait until I'm 15 and I can get my permit!"(The thought of this child ever driving, made me check to make sure my seat belt was on tight) Later, I heard a teenager say they wished this school year was over so they could head off to college and have all the freedom they wanted. I helped Dad this week with book sales at the college and I heard a student say they couldn't wait until they graduated this semester so they could finally get to the real world. I caught myself saying to Jessie just the other day, "wouldn't it be nice to be in elementary school again". Being content with where you are at in your stage of life would be a tremendous quality.All the phases of life come with such exciting potential, why can't we embrace where God has put us and take hold of the opportunities given us at the time? God can and will use people at all ages, in all areas, in all social classes, and of all personalities if we are willing to be used where we are. Paul wrote in Philippians about being content in every circumstance and understanding that he could do anything through him who gives him strength. We need to learn to be content with the opportunities and circumstances that God has laid before us. Contentedness does not mean we are satisfied with living a mediocre life for Christ. Paul never gave in to his rough circumstances, but accepted them and used them as opportunities to spread the news of Christ. Use your age, location, relationships, and occupation whatever they may be to further the cause of Christ. Take courage in Jeremiah 29:11 which says, "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."